Artist Bio: Juliano Mazzuchini,actor, visual artist, and researcher. He lives and works in Buenos Aires – Argentina. Between 2004 and 2007 he studied at the ELT-Free School of Theater of Santo André – Brazil and since then, he deepened his scenic research on epic theater. From 2017 ahead, he started his research in visual arts, more specifically on painting. He has participated in exhibitions in Brazil and Argentina, such as the Luiz Sacilotto Contemporary Art Salon and the Visual Arts Contest-Fondo Nacional de las Artes as well as he did artistic accompaniment at Jardim do Hermes in São Paulo-Brazil and Clínica de Obra with Mariano Vilela in Buenos Aires-Argentina for the research field. As a result of his dedication to growing and evolving as an artist, he currently became a member of the ILAP BR (International Laboratory of Art Practices Brazil) at Uncool Artist.