In this episode art curator, Jacob Johnson sits down with contemporary painter Mauro Martinez. Mauro currently resides in San Antonio, Texas where he makes art full-time. Often using memes in his art as a way of bridging the gap between everyday people and the “high-class” art types. His works are beautifully done in his own unique style. In this podcast, we will talk about the rocky path that lead him to where he is today, why he sells art for much lower prices than before, and much much more! Be sure to follow him on Instagram at the link below and check out his show at Flatlines Gallery if you are in the San Antonio area.

Mauro IG:

Flatlines Gallery:

Myartisreal IG:

Jacobs IG:

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Myartisreal is an online gallery and independent publisher of contemporary art content. Through our online shows, daily articles, podcast, and other content we set out to bridge the gap between viewer and artist through meaningful stories.


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