September 10th – October 8th
Online show
Show concept: When I was a child I used to sleepwalk pretty frequently. I would do weird things like walk around the sofa and do push-ups on the wall and sometimes even wander into my parent’s room and scare the mess out of them. I would also often have night terrors. I can still remember the dreams that would provoke these terrors. I would wake up in the hallway with my dad shaking me awake while I screamed. For this show, I want to explore dreams and have the viewer decide if this dream is pleasant or a nightmare.
– Curator Jacob Johnson
How to purchase a work: First find the work you would like to purchase and click the purchase button. Once on the works shop page simply add it to your cart and check out. You can check out using either PayPal or Stripe to pay with a credit/debit card.
All works are sold on a first-come-first-served basis. If you encounter any issues checking out or have any questions you can contact Myartisreal at jacob@myartisreal.com
Featured Artists

“Breve encuentro con la realidad (Brief encounter with reality)” By Alejandro Pasquale

“Late-night Ramen” By Leegan Koo

“Ibu dan Kucingnya” (Mother and Cat) By Garis Edelweiss

“Lullaby of the Whales” By Leegan Koo

“Laskar Garam” By Garis Edelweiss