Maxim Fomenko
Artist Bio: My art is about the artist himself, here I ask the question, how does the artist of today look like compared to the artist in the past, how has he changed in the course of art history. How much has his transformation of themes that he dealt with thousands of years ago like feminine beauty, death and Paradis changed. We remember the past epochs with beautiful female scenes of, for example, Ingris, Degas, Renoir or Matisse. Then the fright of the 20th century from Picasso, Braque and so on until today. What remains for the modern artists? Everything seems to be said, all styles and all directions are exhausted, maybe that’s why the subjects have to be redefined and reinterpreted. If I may paraphrase Malewisch “it is no longer enough to create a mattress for the night of love”.
My name is Maxim Fomenko, I’m a freelance artist from Nuremberg.
I studied at the Nuremberg Academy of Arts, study program “Free Art“.
Completed 2012 as a master student.Since then I am a successful, freelance artist.
My work is in various open and private collections Europe and the USA.