Jacob Hess

Artist Bio: Jacob Hess is a self-taught artist who works and lives in the United States. The basis of Jacob’s work is built upon using saturated colors along with abstract shapes. His work combines realistic elements with mixed material shapes using different textures, colors, and layering, Jacob does this to represent the perfection in the imperfections of people and the world. His work aims to show his vision of breaking through the dark times we all experience through his distinct look. Jacob’s work hangs in many different countries and has been in several shows as he looks to forward to participating in many more in the near future.

Available Works


By Jacob Hess


“Portrait Study“

By Jacob Hess



By Jacob Hess

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Myartisreal is an online gallery and independent publisher of contemporary art content. Through our online shows, daily articles, podcast, and other content we set out to bridge the gap between viewer and artist through meaningful stories.


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