Victoria v nunley

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Artists Bio: Victoria V Nunley was born in New Jersey in 1991. She currently lives and works in the DC area and holds an M.F.A. in Painting from Boston University, Boston, MA; a Post Baccalaureate in Studio Art from Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, and a B.A. in Studio Art with Highest Honors from Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. 

Her paintings center around storytelling, and they often revolve around a solo protagonist confronting various obstacles to varying degrees of absurdity, serving as a visual metaphor for battling internal and emotional strife. 

Available Prints

Limited Edition Print


Available original art

“Lençol (bed sheet)”

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“Gesture #3”

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“Costas (back)”

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Myartisreal is an online gallery and independent publisher of contemporary art content. Through our online shows, daily articles, podcast, and other content we set out to bridge the gap between viewer and artist through meaningful stories.


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